Event your Booking in For
Enter any other information below
Please note payments as agreed will be required 14 days prior to any event to secure your stall unless other arrangements have been agreed with organizing team
Payment details are Lloyd's Bank Sort code 30- 94- 73 Account Number 00168717 or cheque's payable to FSMR
A donation of a Raffle prize for the LOROS raffle at the August Event is always appreciated.
FSMR Events: Terms and Conditions (issue 5 august 23)
Please ensure that you have read and understood these notes. You are deemed to accept these terms and conditions when you apply / register and / or attend any of our events.
The Rally Field, (site) whilst open to the public is classed as a public highway, and as such THE ROAD TRAFFIC ACT APPLIES TO ALL VEHICLES. All equipment and vehicle(s) must be covered by a current public liability insurance policy including rally use, having cover for not less than £5,000,000 for any one incident. All vehicle(s) entered are hereby covered by insurances required by the road traffic act 1960, valid for such part of this event as shall take place on roads defined in that act. I confirm that the driver(s) of any vehicle entered holds or has held and is not disqualified from holding or obtaining a license to drive a vehicle of appropriate class (FSMR members are covered by FSMR insurance). Please also have a current copy of all applicable certificates i.e. public liability, Health and Safety, food hygiene, product liability, Boilers etc. available for inspection by any FSMR officials. Exhibitors & Traders are required to attend the show for the duration of the show from 9am until 5pm. Private vehicle(s) unless connected with the essential running of the event, will not be allowed entrance though the bottom gates (exhibitor’s entrance). During public opening hours (10am – 5pm) you must not move your vehicle, if you need to leave the field whilst the gates are closed YOU MUST CONTACT A STEWARD before you move your vehicle; they will escort you off site. On your return you are asked to park in the public car park (if before 5pm) don’t forget to take your pass with you.
Parking Passes will be issued on first entry Maximum of 2 vehicles per trader extra passes can be purchased at a cost of £5
Dogs. Please note you or your dog(s) are not allowed to walk on the golf course or the field in front of the hotel at any time. This is private property. Please make sure your dog is kept on a lead and under control at all times. Please also pick up/ dispose of any waste in the appropriate manner. We regret that dogs are no longer allowed to travel on our trains.
Generators, we realize that some people may need to recharge caravan batteries etc. with generators. Please consider your fellow campers and not run them all day. All generators must be switched off by 11pm at the latest.
Equipment, please be aware that we are unable to supply any tables, chairs, electricity etc. You must supply your own cover/ stall, gazebo etc. except where it has been agreed with written permission.
Trade Waste, there are no trade waste facilities on site, you must take your waste away with you or trade waste bins are available to hire.
Drones, the flying of drones over our land is strictly prohibited during our events anybody found to be doing this will politely be asked to leave site immediately.
Data Protection Act, All Exhibitors. Traders and Suppliers agree that fsmr can keep on record information required for the effective organisation & operation of events at our site. Such information will only be used by the fsmr and will not be passed to any third party.
Health & Safety, Covid19. Regulations / Guidance, All Exhibitors, Traders and Suppliers agree to comply with all current Government guidance and fsmr procedures in place to protect themselves, members of the public and fsmr members whilst on site.
Failure to comply with any of the above may result in you being asked to leave the site immediately and /or being refused attendance at future events. The FSMR Committee’s decision is final in all event related matters.
Please accept our sincere thanks for supporting the railway and LOROS, We appreciate your cooperation in complying with the above which will help make our events safer and more enjoyable for us all. If you do have any issues or can suggest improvements, please contact a Steward, any FSMR member or the events team: - events@fsmr.co.uk
Please accept our sincere thanks for supporting the railway and LOROS, We appreciate your cooperation in complying with the above which will help make our events safer and more enjoyable for us all. If you do have any issues or can suggest improvements, please contact a Steward, any FSMR member or the events team: - events@fsmr.co.uk
Accept our terms and conditions